This Punching Bag for Kids comes with a stand and it's quite a find, Eight years old to ten fits just fine. Its quality makes sure that its here to stay, Easily adjustable for kids to play. The sturdy base of the set is rocked in place Making sure that punches stay safe. With exciting colors so bright and bold, Your child will never get tired or grow cold! Hands-on parenting each day goes well When parents buy this outstanding swell! For boxing beginners we give two thumbs up To try out all their skills they can sup! Reinforced punching safety ensures no slip While children build muscle without think rip. Perfect gifts each year on Christmas Day Or Birthdays celebrated, what more could you say? Helps develop sportsmanship from being strong Teaching your kid how both wrong and rights belong So trust us when we tell you 'tis true Don't ever hesitate - get this bag too!