As a parent, I'm always wary of what products my children come in contact with. So when my daughter asked me to buy her and her friend these Forum Novelties 2-Pack fake cigarettes, you can imagine the relief I felt!
The product was as advertised: it's two packs of appealing looking fake cigarettes that are made out of plastic and foam. The great thing about this item is that it looks just like real smoking materials but kids won't be getting exposed to any dangerous toxins or ingredients. In addition, it's brightly colored so there is no mistake about it being anything other than a toy.
All in all - thumbs up! These are definitely an entertaining novelty item for dress up parties or cosplay gatherings without any risk involved.
Plus they got a huge laugh out of my friends at our recent dinner gathering when I handed them around the table - high five to Forum Novelties` 2-Pack Fake Cigarettes