Oh my word, if YOU haven't read "Things To Do While You Poo On The Loo: Activity Book With Funny Facts, Bathroom Jokes, Poop Puzzles, Sudoku & Much More. Perfect Gag Gift.", you are missing out! This book has been an absolute lifesaver for me over the past few months as I always feel awkward just sitting and thinking on the toilet for too long - you know what I'm saying? My colleagues at work thought it was so funny when they saw me engrossed in this breath of fresh air during my morning business.
I mean think about it - who doesn't want to be entertained while doing their daily poo?! There are jokes that make everyone laugh from Grandpa to five year old kids; puzzles and sudokus to keep your mind occupied while you do what needs done; plus a bunch of fun facts that help pass the time faster than regular ole' nature calls would have you believe possible!! So get ready because this book will totally change your life and cut down on those 'injustice moments' when someone else immediately snatches up the bathroom after you've only been inside for two minutes 😠lolol!