Absurdophile Random Product Random Review

"USOP Sticky Soft Fake Dog Poo: A Hilarious and Unique Gift Idea!"

by Motorcycle Marvin at Absurdophile

I recently purchased USOP Sticky Soft Fake Dog Poo Turd Novelty Practical Joke Prank Fun, and let me just say it is AMAZING. Not only does it look unbelievably realistic, but the reactions of people who see it are priceless. I already have plans for where and when to use my turd (which by the way comes in an assorted shape). My sister was over for dinner last week and when she opened up her lunchbox and saw this little surprise sitting inside, she launched into a fit of hysterical laughter that had us all rolling on the floor!

The truth is you don't even have to use this fake doggy poo as a practical joke - simply having it out in plain sight can lead to some memorable interactions with friends or family members. Whenever I bring mine out in public, there's usually at least one person double-checking if it's real or not before stepping away quickly once they realize what they're looking at!

If you want something fun yet unique gift idea or just really like staring at fake dog poo, I would highly recommend USOP Sticky Soft Fake Dog Poo Turd Novelty Practical Joke Prank Fun found here. This totally random product will be sure to make everyone laugh (and possibly gag too!).

Check it out!

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