I never would have known about 'The U.S. Imperialists Started the Korean War (DPRK Series)' if it wasn't for my friends! I'm so glad they urged me to read it because now I know the truth behind such a controversial topic, and am enlightened on how much of an injustice was done in Korea during that time period.
This incredible series of books is full of insight into how and why this war started, as well as great examples throughout history with which to compare it too - all backed up by verified facts and sources that you can trust when forming your own opinion on events like these. It's one of those things that can create meaningful conversations at dinner parties (which I love) or even spark debates among my colleagues at work or school - we had a lot fun discussing our differing opinions here recently!
Overall, 'The U.S. Imperialists Started the Korean War' series genuinely shocked me; though not written from just one biased perspective but rather with an unbiased viewpoint and obvious care taken to be thorough yet concise enough for readers new to this topic like myself; what a refreshing change from other publications covering similar topics out there today! Highly recommend adding a copy to your library collection - you won't regret it!